Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I feel that I have left so many of you in the dust and that it may appear that I have forgotten you. Oh contrary, I think of all of you almost daily but are unable to communicate via internet. You see, internet is REALLY expensive. I mean 2 GB is $50 and that is not counting the device needed to get the internet in the first place. It is out of control! Due to this internet has been about emails for nursing and work. Really not much else. I am sorry. I feel horrible. You may find yourself asking well then how are you writing this.... INSTITUTE! Yep, it pays to be a member of the church. Free internet! WHOOP WHOOP!
This is going to be more like an email or letter than a post. I need to get you all caught up and since there are about a million and half emails from all of you asking this same questions I will answer them all on here. Hope that is okay. I know it is not as personable but we all have to make sacrifices. Sorry!
Letter starting:
I just opened up my email and guess what.... I GOT MY WORK VISA! That means that I can start work really soon. I am so excited. I have loved staying home and being about to workout, clean, read, cook and do laundry. However, I am excited to be able to work and bring in a bit of income. I have been talking with a company for Home Health Care. It is not the preferred job but it will get me into healthcare until my nursing license goes through. Also, (sit down for this) I am going to be teaching ballet. I have not taught in 7 years and have not danced in even longer but I contacted a company and they need a dance teacher. My dad says that he is glad that all those thousands of dollars have not gone to waste. I am excited because I love ballet and I know that I will be able to help those girls become better dancers.
Nextly, Shawn and I moved. Since I have married him I have moved to my parents house, moved to New Zealand, moved to our first apartment and now moved into our second rental. I wish that you could all see it. I promise that I will post pictures. We love our place and it feels really good there. With that said it is tiny. Length wise you can walk from one end to the next in 20 foot steps and width 4 steps. Also, Monica, it is on wheels so your dream of living in a trailer is my reality. Let me point out the good though, it has a gas stove and water heater which is perfect and the kitchen is really nice. Our landlord is so nice and helps us with everything. He is even going to repair our car in a couple of weeks so we don't have to pay so much. It is out in the country by the railroad tracks. The train runs about once an hour. You may wonder how I know that... well Shawn has been documenting all the trains that go by. We really do love our place.
Moving on. Married life. This morning in bed I thought to myself can't we just stay in this forever. Having the feelings and thoughts that I have. It just feels perfect. It is not always like that... but this morning it was. I love Shawn.
Shawn is so busy with school. I am constantly amazed by his brains. He can do anything! All of his colleagues are in love with him and always asking for his help. He just knows how to do it all. He found out this week that he is in charge of the Christmas party and then also we are invited to a BBQ that only some got invited to. He turned in his research purposal this week. It will go through many reviews and changes but it is nice to have the major part of just getting it together finished.
When he is not at school we are playing games. Skipbo, Racko and Phase 10 (if you have any other 2 people games let me know). I hate to admit it but I taught him all of these games and now he wins me almost every time. We have fun though and it is nice to spend time together.
I have been working out like a mad woman. At least an hour a day but lately it has been two hours. I go and do my own thing for an hour and then attend a class for an hour. I hurt on a daily basis but it is a good hurt.
I am loving being over here. It is an adventure but is starting to feel more and more like home. We are still debating what to do for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I will let you know the details when we figure them out. Turkeys are hard to come by but we think that we have someone to kill us a wild turkey. Should be interesting.
We love you all and are so thankful for all of in our lives. Please keep the emails coming and know that even though often not responded to they are the highlight of my days. Please come and visit if given the chance we will find room for you in our lovely home.
Until next time... which will hopefully be soon and will involve pictures of our home and latest adventures.