Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dinero, Money, Wad, or Cash Notes

No matter what way you look at money, it is still money. Here is a list to make you feel even better about your life. Remember the current exchange rate is 1 NZ dollar to 0.78 US dollar... but still.
12 eggs = 5.99
an order of fries = 6.99
a liter of petrol = 2.49 (remember liter not gallon)
shipping a phone across seas = 58.00
bottle of olive oil = 29.00
box of 10 tampons = 5.00 (on sale)
box of 6 granola bars = 5.99
a package of bacon = 10.99
Are you getting the picture? Lets be honest, there are a lot of nice things over here. Number 1 being my husband is here and really "all you need is love", right?


  1. Whoa mama. That is pricey! Is the pay scale higher?

  2. Kate... I love that you respond to all my posts... really! It makes me feel loved. The pay scale is a bit higher to help even things out, but not all the way. Being jobless right now, I can't believe the cost of living.

  3. Yeah it makes it even harder when you aren't making any money, blech. Glad you like it when I comment! No one ever comments on my blog and it stinks so I always comment on others :-)

    So can you work as a nurse there?
