Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Our Christmas

Temple lights on Christmas Eve

Shawn opening his gifts from my parents

Christmas dinner with chicken and rolls, um

Zucchine Bread for the neighbors with homemade card

Shawn doing the dishes.
We hope you all had a very MERRY CHRISTMAS! It was hard being away from all of our loved ones, but it was nice to be warm and with Shawn. It was a good day. Bring on 2012!


  1. I'm so glad you posted these! I miss you so much, especially around Christmas time and new years when my most favorite memories of the season include you in them :( Can't wait to see you guys again.

  2. Merry Christmas! Looks like you had a lovely one...but I might rewash those dishes ;-)

  3. Zucchini bread...and don't forget the gummy bears. If you do I think Shawn may have a heart attack.

  4. Oh how I miss you. You guys look wonderful and seem to be having a great time. Have you started working? Are you going too?
    Suzy Q
