It seems like a dream. A very good dream. A dream I wished that I could relive. We were able to visit the U.S. of A. in May and June. While it was fast and furious we had lots of fun and even had some special moments that I will always cherish.
Most importantly, while we were in Salt Lake, Shawn was able to go through the temple to receive his own endowments. Then we were able to be sealed together eternally. I loved sitting in the celestial room with my love. I love the thought of being with him forever. I love that we have made this eternal decision together. I love how handsome he looked in the temple. I love that we now can go to the temple together. I love that we get to discuss the temple, in the temple. I love that I no longer have to tell him that I can't tell him the answer to his question. Now I get to say "we'll talk about it next time we go to the temple." I love that we are in this together. Mainly, I just love him. Oh and let us not forget... I love that we have two anniversaries!
We also were able to spend very precious time with Mutti, Shawn's grandma. We were married in her yard and it is because of her that Shawn and I ever met. I feel eternally grateful for her and her relationship to Shawn. Because of this relationship he valued her opinion and decided to see what The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was all about. His second week at church I met him and the rest is history. Mutti (mother in german) is just what every grandmother ought to be. Loving, kind, patient, sweet, tender, particular, hard worker, good cook, beautiful gardener, confidant and Christlike. The time that Shawn and I spent with her on this trip are held tenderly in our hearts. We love her.
I was also able to spend time with my Grandma Spanos. She too is just what every grandma ought to be. My mom recently told me that I am just like my grandma, it made my heart happy. I hope that one day I can be what she is. The conversation my grandma and I had, just the two of us, has left me thinking and pondering over the last 4 months and I am sure will continue for years down the road. I love this woman and how she lives her life. In my eyes she is perfect.
We did many other things while in Utah such as seeing a few friends and many family members. We also managed to get hair cuts. Mine included BANGS! Never done before on this head of hair... I actually really liked them but you always have to get them cut, so currently I just pull them back and bobby pin them. HA
We also made a trip out to Denver and Fort Collins to see Shawn's family. It was great being able to get to know them better. Shawn's grandpa, Pop, told him that I seem to not be as quite. Shawn told me and I just laughed, I have never been one to be known for being quite. Shawn and Pop played pool into the late night. I loved being about to listen to their deep and educated discussion about things that I didn't even know existed.
We are so blessed to have family and friends that love us and we love them. They say "home is where the heart is" I guess my heart is still in Utah because that is where I feel at home.
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